Tonight’s Agenda; Updates on VELA/MELA and Other Issues

Tonight’s agenda includes:

  1. Cell phone policy

  2. Seismic update (analysis of highest risk buildings)

  3. Review of Board Policies on Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement and Homework/Makeup Work

  4. Interdistrict transfer policy (expanding options for students to attend our district).

To participate, click here.

Updates on hot items:


    • The district created a new promotional video. This is the first of several with more site-specific videos coming soon. You can view the video here.

    • The district also designed a new flyer and began distributing it throughout the community. A copy is here.

    • The district finalized a banner currently being printed for placement in RPV and San Pedro.

    • The district is ordering new signs with the correct names—Miraleste Early Learning Academy and Valmonte Early Learning Academy—and working with vendors and finalizing the next steps.

2. Bond Updates:

  • Here is the updated bond timeline.

  • I will wait until after tonight’s meeting to share information re: bond sale.

3. Yearbook and Policy Updates:

  • We discussed our publications policy last meeting and I wrote in my last newsletter about antisemitism and free speech. I am continuing to work on addressing these issues holistically instead of in compartmentalized discussions that lack context.

As always, this is one lady’s opinion. I don’t speak for the board and no one else speaks for me.


Free Speech & Antisemitism