Light Agenda, Personal News

Tonight’s agenda is relatively light. It will be our first meeting with our interim superintendent, Dr. Doug Kimberly. He’s been getting to know our cabinet and has hit the ground running by all accounts. We are lucky to have him on board.

Discussion/Action items are here:

You can submit comment or participate in the meeting here.

Personal News

Since February 2022, I’ve been representing a group called the Alliance of Los Angeles County Parents in a lawsuit against the LA County Department of Public Health. We sued to challenge arbitrary and capricious mandates and violations of the free speech clause of the California Constitution. Last week, I deposed Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer. The transcript is here. Documents produced at the deposition revealed a coordinated effort by LADPH staff to censor journalists and private citizens, including physicians employed by the county, who expressed opinions and facts that did not align with LADPH messaging.

One of the reasons I decided to run for the school board was that I felt censored and ignored, and I could not stand by while ill-conceived policies harmed my kids. Echo chambers filled with people who toe the line and don’t dare speak up against an approved narrative are un-American and damaging to our society. Freedom of speech is critical to American life. No one should be afraid to speak up when they believe something is wrong. Cancel culture and government censorship have become the norm over the past few years, and I am doing what I can to shed light on it.

Government exists to serve the people, not the other way around. I am committed to making our school board as transparent as possible, to ensure that we are listening to our community, and that we are using public resources in a responsible way.

Thanks for reading! As always, this is just one lady’s opinion. I do not speak for the Board, and no one else speaks for me.


Superintendent Search - We Want to Hear From You


New Interim Superintendent, Responsible Governance