Important: PVPUSD Facilities Use, Bond Issuance and Program Management
Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed time with family and friends over the break. We have a board meeting this Wednesday at 5:30 with three critical discussion items:
Of note: It seems we’ve skipped some steps outlined in the projected timeline and advanced the timeline by a few weeks.
Item K(2): Approval of Bond Program Manager Contract.
Staff recommends the Board approve the consulting agreement (Exhibit G) with District Advocates Group for Bond Program Management Services not to exceed $245,000.00 per year. This contract would become effective on January 9, 2025.
Of note: Proposed bond program manager District Advocates Group is a division of Urban Futures Inc., as is Isom Advisors, which is serving as municipal advisor.
Item K(3): Community Use of Facilities and Facility Rental Calendar.
This item is for discussion purposes only. The district is considering software to use for a public-facing facilities rental calendar.
If you are part of a youth sports group or community organization, or are otherwise interested in use of district facilities and want to be part of the solution to make the process more transparent and user-friendly, please consider attending and/or submitting your comments.
It would be great to hear from AYSO, Mavericks, little leagues, PVYBL, and other frequent long term users re: what works and doesn’t work, and how things can be improved.
As always, this is just one lady’s opinion. I don’t speak for the district and no one else speaks for me.