I am pasting below a message I just received from Save Math:

Final Vote to Approve the California Math Framework (CMF) is being rushed and is set to be voted on tomorrow, Wednesday, July 12.

This means we need a lot of people to call in at the public hearing and object to the rush of the process.

Also, please call Governor Newsom

today to voice your opposition to the rushing of this vote!

Call Governor Newsom and demand that he direct the State Board of Education to:

(1) reopen public comment, and

(2) delay vote on the CMF until the fall so the public can be heard.

The stakes for the California Math Framework (CMF) are higher than ever, but the State Board of Education is rushing the process for a final vote on Wednesday-Thursday, July 11-12.

Why did the State Board of Ed gave the public only 10 days over the Fourth of July holiday to review a 1,000+ page document that will affect all 6 million California K-12 students for the next 10 to 20 years?

Why is this a problem?

The problem here is that we have a PROCESS problem, which means we can’t offer a policy / content discussion after the process has been rushed and hastily shut down.

We need to get the powers that be to REOPEN THE PROCESS so we can have a robust debate on the policy / content.

Questions for the Governor:

1 -  Why are they rushing the final vote through without a robust public debate?

2 -  Don't they understand that their rush is excluding diverse voices and will harm California’s children?

3 -  Why can't they extend the public comment period and do the vote in the fall and extend the comment period so that everyone who wants to comment can review and comment?

You may also call Superintendent Thurmond to make your voice heard.

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