Tomorrow’s Agenda; Election Results and Implications

Happy Tuesday. Thank you to all the veterans in our district who served our country and put it all on the line to defend this constitutional republic.

Meeting Agenda

Our meeting is tomorrow night at 5:30. The agenda is posted here. To participate, click here.

Up for discussion/action are initial proposals from the district and teacher’s union for bargaining, an update on student wellness and mental health initiatives, an independent study update, and updates to a variety of policies (including immunization and other healthcare related items).

I would like to hear your feedback regarding your family’s experience with the district’s mental health professionals. I would also like to hear your questions and suggestions relating to the provision of mental health services by the district.

Election Results and Impacts

We officially have two trifectas: Republicans took the House, Senate and White House, while Democrats kept California’s Assembly, Senate, and Governor seat. The California trifecta remains the most lopsided as a supermajority, meaning the legislature has veto power over the Governor, and no independent or conservative ideas are given an opportunity for discussion or debate. The federal government is more balanced. There is already fear mongering over what will happen if the DOE is abolished. While this is a nuanced issue that requires much more space than I have here, (1) it will take time to abolish any federal department and (2) fear of losing federal funding due to noncompliance with federal laws can be assuaged by complying with federal laws (including FERPA). If you would like me to expand further on what this might mean for our district, email me.

Proposition 36 (which reverses the soft of crime policies from Prop 47) passed with approximately 70% of the vote, and Nathan Hochman beat Gascon for the DA seat with approximately 60% of the vote. Both are excellent for improving public safety. Proposition 2, the $10 billion statewide school facilities bond, also passed.

According to the LA County Recorder, as of yesterday, the total election results count is 3,622,821 (63.15%). The estimate of outstanding ballots is 187,300 ballots. I do not believe our local results are going to shift much. Proposition SOS is positioned to pass by a slim margin, and Ami Gandhi and Eric Alegria will win school board seats. My hope is that all those elected to the board will prioritize their duty to the district and its students first, and that allegiance to the Democrat party and union will not be reflected in their decisions.

We have A LOT of work to do in light of the passage of SOS. I value your feedback and would love to hear from you. If you have any experience with our facilities (re: condition, usage, community impacts), I want to hear your thoughts.

As always, this is just one lady’s opinion. I don’t speak for the board and no one else speaks for me.


Tonight’s Agenda: Bond Next Steps


Tomorrow’s Agenda: Policies, Measure M Committee Appointments, and CAASP Testing Data