The Yearbook

By now, you may have heard about the controversial article published in the PVHS yearbook. Some of you may be wondering what the big deal is. I listened to a room full of parents today explain exactly why this is such a big deal.

I heard stories of blatant, rampant antisemitism in our district. Some of it very obvious and overt, but some of it less easy to detect for a person who does not know history.

The parents who spoke today shared their own personal experiences and recommendations for how to proceed. There seemed to be consensus among those in attendance that education of administrators, teachers and students is needed before the school year ends. Yearbooks are a keepsake item that people will hold on to forever, and the blatant misrepresentation of facts couched as a historical narrative might be the only thing students read about Israel and Jews. It is, accordingly, very important to correct the record.

Speakers requested an apology from the district and a recitation of accurate facts. The idea of a sticker—or replacement page that could be glued into the yearbook—was discussed.

A factual rebuttal with citations and evidence is being prepared by members of the community, and I will share it with you here when it is finished. Members of the community asked to agendize discussion of solutions at Tuesday night’s board meeting. I also made a formal written request to put this on our agenda for Tuesday. Even if it is not added, the community is welcome to attend the meeting and speak during public comment on non-agenda items beginning at 5:30 pm in the district boardroom.

As always, this is one lady’s opinion. I don’t speak for the board and no one speaks for me.


June 4 Board Meeting Agenda


May 22 PVPUSD Board Agenda