Thank you, Ted Lieu, for Heeding the Call

On February 14, 2024, I stated during our Board discussion on facilities that I received an email from Ted Lieu asking if we had any “community projects” to submit for federal funding. I explained our facilities crisis in the context of state and national politics (essentially, our tax dollars are being sent elsewhere while we’re told the only way we can fix our facilities is by taxing our citizens more), and called for our community to get more engaged on a state and national level to fight to keep our tax dollars in our community so we are not left with closed schools and dilapidated infrastructure.

I shared Lieu’s email with our staff and encouraged the district to pursue the funding. One board member announced last night that due to her actions, Ted Lieu agreed to send $2 million from the community projects fund for electrical infrastructure improvements at Miraleste. This is excellent news! Perhaps pointing out the political hypocrisy and talking about it on national news moved the needle? Either way, this is a big win for our district. I don’t need any credit, but it’s important for the record to reflect reality. Politicians will not do the right thing unless you force them to do it with public pressure. Keep it up!


May 22 PVPUSD Board Agenda


PVPUSD Agenda for May 8 Meeting