October 11 Agenda

Happy Tuesday. If I have been less responsive than usual, it’s because I am in the final stage of trial preparation against the County in the Alliance of LA County Parents lawsuit. Trial begins this Monday. It should wrap by the end of next week and then I will be back in action. To follow developments in that case go to www.laparents.org/our-lawsuit.

I’m writing to share the agenda for tomorrow’s board meeting. Here is a look at the discussion/action items:

Our agendas are set by the Superintendent and Board President. If you do not believe they are reflective of what the community wants and needs, please let them know.

AB 1078 was just signed into law. It prohibits districts from refusing to approve materials on the basis that they include “a study of the role and contributions of” protected classes. BrainPop “sensitive” labels are used for “topics that adults may want to preview before sharing with students.” When a third party has already labeled a set of materials as “sensitive” - regardless of topic - and that label is intended to ensure age-appropriateness for children, it cannot be plausibly argued that refusing to allow such content is discriminatory under AB1078. I hope the district will be more thoughtful in its approach to interpreting new laws moving forward.

Contact information for the Board and Superintendent is as follows:







As always, this is just one lady’s opinion. I don’t speak for the Board and no one else speaks for me.


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