Upcoming Events, Legislative Updates, Title 9 News

I hope you’re all enjoying your summer. I’ve tried to take a bit of a mental break from school board business and enjoy my family. Statewide and national political activity has kept my attention…

First, I want to invite you to attend two upcoming events for Lt. Col. Jeremy Vanderhal, local dad and fighter pilot running for school board this November. We need leadership from people who can perform under pressure and have the courage to speak the truth when they know something is harming our kids. We need people who are not part of the supermajority behemoth in Sacramento and will not rubber stamp union-backed policies. You can meet Jeremy at the following events, which I will also be attending:

  • July 30 6:30 - 8:30 at Kelly’s Korner. RSVP here. Hosted by RPV Mayor John Cruikshank.

  • August 8 6:00 - 8:00 at Malaga Cove Library Gallery Room. RSVP here. Hosted by PVE Councilman Michael Kemps.

Secondly, here is an update on recent legislative and legal changes that impact PVPUSD:

  • AB 1955, co-sponsored by our Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi, was signed into law. The law, deceptively framed as an “anti-outing” statute, prohibits districts from requiring school personnel to disclose information to parents about a child experiencing gender dysphoria. The law runs afoul of FERPA and the the United States Constitution's Fourteenth Amendment protection of parents' fundamental right to make decisions about their children's care, custody, and control. The statute is being challenged in court. Please diligently exercise your right as a parent to request your child’s education records from the district under FERPA.

  • Al Muratsuchi’s AB 247 was amended to include a wealth-based sliding scale, which is bad for PVPUSD. This 10 billion dollar statewide school facilities bond measure will be on the ballot in November as Proposition 2.

  • Injunctions have been issued by several district courts against the new Title 9 regulations. Of note, the injunction in the Kansas case covers all schools attended by members of plaintiff organizations and their children. In other words, the new regulations cannot be implemented in schools attended by Moms for Liberty members’ children. More information here.

  • I filed an amicus brief with the Ninth Circuit in support of First Amendment rights of students and teachers in school. The brief outlines the rampant inculcation of k-12 students with social justice activism, and is an important read for anyone who wants to understand what has happened to education over the last decade.

  • The last thing I said at our last board meeting was something along the lines of “election season is upon us, and things are going to get really weird. Keep your wits about you and stick to the facts.” I had no idea what we were in for. Presidential politics have reached a point I never thought I would see in America, and I am deeply concerned. I wrote an article about dehumanization in politics. I hope that we can shift focus from personal attacks and hatred to discussing policy, at every level.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss any of these issues. As always, this is just one lady’s opinion. I do not speak for the Board and no one else speaks for me.


Government Secrets from Parents and AB 1955 Propaganda


Update: Amended AB 247 Passed Committee and Moves to Floor